Thursday 5 March 2020

Design Journal 05/03/20

To avoid the mistakes of the past and create a truely complex design, I decided it would first be important to discover the capapbilities of Google Sketch Up. The task requires abstract thinking and design, whilst most express this through curvature and parametric shapes, I decided it would be more interesting and appropriate(for the Kyza) if it was done geometrically. Inaccordance with my section I begun experimenting with 3D polygonial forms, thorough their convergence rather than extrusion.
Tinkering with extrusion occured in an attempt to turn this figure into a practical space and complex.
Solid tools were employed to the earlier feature in an atttempt to test how well it fused with curves.

Time was taken to also mess aorund wirth geometrical textures and fillaments for internal spaces, these were proving difficult to construct with vanilla Sketch Up so the Shape Bender and Weld extensions were added.

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