Sunday 8 March 2020

Design Journal 08/03/2020

Begun translating mys section into a 3D Design, currently the exterior of the upper floor and gallery is complete. Two Stairs need to be either redesgined or added, and lansdcape modelling is incomplete. Basic progression in the build is shown through the images below.

The following section has been chosen for construction.
Diffuse Striation

The hexagonal dome was the most obious part of the section and so was intially constructed, a smaller dome being madw within to act as a sort of photography studio for the Kyza.
The stright parts of the section were elongated into a trapezoidal shape to accomodate a geodesic structure at the edge. The edges expand to emphasise the experience of the widening of the space and the panoramic views of the landscape offered.
The first floor was similarly articulated with basic geometric shapes and considerations for natural lighting through galss windows. 

To increase the complexity of the stuructre curves were added into the roof  to metonomise the blending of gemetric, mechanical elelmets with the graceful, areodynamic curvatures of the cars. 
A sort of stub was placed out the front whcih may be truned into a canopy later on.

The space was contructed on a larger scale than the gallery to emphsise its accessability and prioirty for cars. A practial outdoor space was added to allow any night-time photography which seems to common amongst the Kyza work.

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